The thing I got from the article was another person who lives in Chicago's view of what's going on and that it is not just Chicago where there's a problem.

From: Paul Stenquist

It's a simplistic explanation. Chicago's gang problems are more a
result of under-enforcement and looking the other way than of "class
warfare." The problem existed long before the rash of foreclosures.
When I taught in Chicago high schools 30 years ago, it was already
fermenting. But no one wanted to get tough with the gangs, they were
coddled. "Disenfranchised youth" was a term kicked around way back
then. No one drew a line in the sand and said, you can't behave that
way. Now they're paying. We're all paying.

On Jun 9, 2011, at 2:14 PM, Ken Waller wrote:

As Paul Harvey was want to say "now here's the rest of the story"
on recent wilding events

Thanks for posting John.

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- From: "John Sessoms"
<> Subject: Re: safety and photography?

From: "Christine Aguila"

Chicago has been experiencing what is being called *flash
mob* attacks in the downtown area and at one of the
beaches that I've chosen for the beach project.  You can
read about it in the Chicago Sun Times article here  if
you want    but in a nutshell,
large groups of teenagers attack victims and steal iPods
and cell phones.  This is fairly new to Chicago, so the
mayor and police have been vocal in reassuring Chicagoans
that it's being dealt with.

I'd be interested in knowing what safety strategies you
employ when working in urban environments.

Cheers, Christine

Ran across this article with another Chicago perspective on
what's going on. According to the author there's a lot more
than made the news.

Additionally, read down far enough into the article, and
you'll find it's not just a Chicago problem.


We'll see if adding the angle brackets keeps the URL intact
through the line wrap ... if not here's a tinyURL:

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