On 11-07-06 8:12 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:
I went to the usual fireworks displays celebrating the Glorious Fourth, to take a batch of fireworks photos.

I decided to try out a new technique, well old technique actually, the one recommended in just about every photography book I've ever read from the days of film...
Seriously overexposed every one.  Maybe I can salvage some of them.

Still I brought along some equipment to do some crowd photography, usually there will be a few people who take the occasion just a little too far. Even that was sort of a bust. However in the fine PDML tradition of taking things completely out of context, well the tradition of the annual quotes list anyway. Let me present:


Equipment: Pentax K20D w/smc Pentax A*300mm f4.0 and smc Pentax F 1.7x AF adapter.

As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.

I like 'em! Creative pairing, PJ.

But I just have to remark on the RH shot. I *cannot* believe just how many people I see doing what that woman is doing: shooting with the lens hood mounted backwards. This is just so completely wrong, useless and pointless. Do they think it's some kind of decoration? It impairs using either the focus or the zoom ring (depending on the lens). It's *worse* than just leaving the stupid thing at home, or tossing it in the garbage.

I don't think there's a clearer sign of Total Cluelessness in a photog than that one maneuver. (Maybe shooting with the price tags still dangling off the camera body?) Might as well be wearing a sign that says, "I shoulda bought a point'n'shoot."


I feel so much better now. :-)


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