This is a re-do of the first pic of my recent Boys of Summer GESO:

I really liked that first pic, but there was something just "not
right".  After lots of hemmming and hawing, I decided to drop the
spectator on the left.  I'd first left him in there as his eyes seemed
to be following the hit baseball into the outfield.  But the more I
thought about it, I realized that the eyes of the young hitter (and
that wonderful expression on his face just after he smacked the line
drive) were all I needed - the spectator was just a distraction.  By
cropping him out, it brings the three at the plate (especially the
hitter) into "focus".

At least I think so.  What think you?

Your comments and suggestions will be welcome.  Hope you enjoy.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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