2 things - while the first photo you see is pretty large, the quality doesn't seem as good as when you click on "enlarge" - I think I may have "nayed" a couple of things I might have liked enough had I clicked "enlrge" first.

but MOST important - I think can safely say that pending photos seem not to have been erased. How do I know? (drum roll)
Because I just got offered one of MINE to vote on!

a black and white, digital, somewhat appropriate to a coming holiday..
(note I carefully avoid saying WHICH holiday) and at least some of you would recognize it as mine , but I will say it , at least, isn't on
my open galleries on smugmug.

I did not tempt Providence by giving it a thumbs up nor could I bring myself to vote "no"

Just voted for a while -- lots of mediocre stuff, sad to say... but not all.


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