[Bruce, see the end:]

   I will have a look at it once more in the shop and compare it
   directly there to the other pentaxes they have there - MZ7 and 30 I
   think, as well as 5n, I am really interested in the finder

   But please remember I have just recently (3 weeks ago) upped my
   viewfinder standards significantly - from K2DMD and SFXn to LX ;-)
   so I am not objective at all! YMMV.

   Ótherwise, the body felt quite small and with well-placed controls,
   the good thing was ability to control the aperture from the body
   even in manual mode (with lens on "A"), or aperture-priority in "A"
   mode by controlling the aperture from the body. The spot metering
   button (AE-L plus PF #5) is not well thought I think, as it locks
   the exposure, you have to press it again to unlock it, and press it
   once more to get another spot reading and lock it, that's just too
   many presses for me, I would preffer a PF#12... to allow for simple
   "hold" operation, like on older pre-AF bodies (hold to take reading
   and lock it, release to clear reading, press and hold again to take
   second reading/lock,...).

   The dial is the "christmass tree" type as in MZ-7, but that's IMHO
   good, as it's easy to see which mode you have set it on in the
   dark, and not be surprised "why doesn't it shoot" when you have set
   it to PF mode accidentally.

   The new bundled 28-90 - lens - it had plenty of barrel distortion
   at the wide end, although I was not able to tell if it was the
   viewfinder or the lens or both who caused such distortion.

   The AF was quick, but I am not AF guy so I have no comparing it to
   other brands. There was this interesting and
   strange issue with the MZ-6's AF - when hunting, it stopped at the
   infinity end with such a loud *CLANK* sound and the entire
   viewfinder image very visibly shook up and down! The opposite of Image
   stabilisation, perhaps ;-) ? Speaks lots for the build quality of
   the lens helicoid, probably... I doubt it is camera issue, more
   likely lens issue.

   I am sorry I can't much compare it to the other new bodies, as I
   wrote I am strictly manual focus guy one happy LXer so I am not
   objective at all. For casual shooting I would seem to like the
   body, except the viewfinder (but as I said earlier, I dislike
   almost all new viewfinders on most new brands bodies)

   And Bruce wrote:

> So tell us how you really feel about it. :)  One wonders if it is
> meant to compete with the Canon Rebel.  Certainly one of the crappiest
> feeling cameras around.  Have you compared it to that?
  No, not at all, the Canon Rebel wins all crappy camera contests -
  it's "miles ahead of the competition" in this regard! (I mean in
  bakelite cameras competition <g>)

Good light,
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