On Monday, March 4, 2002, at 03:44  AM, Pål Audun Jensen wrote:

> In my opinion, Sensia II is much better for this use. Some like Provia 
> F a lot. Both can be pushed one stop without going over the top.

Provia 100F pushes very well, and pushing it rather beefs up the 
contrast, since normally it is a rather flat film.

> There's one Canon sponsored photographer who takes boring, mug-shot 
> type of bird photos that borders to pornography in garish and 
> cliche-filled oversaturated images on Velvia pushed one stop. Only an 
> option if you suffer from terminally bad taste an/or are into camp in a 
> big way.

I am asked on nearly a daily basis about pushing Velvia one stop here at 
the shop...Pål, would you mind if I printed out the above quote and 
framed it over the film refrigerator?

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