Does anyone know - is it possible to program the Q's quick dial so that you can click on a setting and take an HDR shot? Not the faux HDR as in the HDR digital filter, but the real HDR that takes muliple shots and combines them? I spent a bit of time with the Q and its manual hoping to do this via the USER setting parameter, but can't seem to get it to work.

The quick dial is a prominent feature on the Q, but since I pretty much shoot only raw it is not very useful to me. It seems like it basically lets you select from the "custom image" settings or "digital filter" settings, or change aspect ratios (i.e. crop the photo in camera.) I did set it to flip into the B&W mode, since it is useful to quickly see how a scene looks in B&W. Otherwise, the true HDR is the only thing that might be of use there, IMO.



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