Sounds like a kind of "steampunk" Cinéma vérité idea. No need to
actually go through the photos, just automatically convert them into a
slide show.

I think it would have appealed to certain Victorian sensibilities had an
adequate technology existed at the time.

From: Steven Desjardins
The ultimate "spray and pray" approach. I'm sure it's bound to get
some nice shots. Obviously not for me; taking the shots is my hobby.
I doubt it will supplant cell phone cameras, and most people are not
going to want to go through all those shots. Could be a cult thing, I

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 5:50 PM, Darren Addy <> wrote:
Don't know what I really think of this:
but I saw it shortly after viewing this neat instructional video
and it gave me an idea:

It would be interesting to wear the Pentax Q around one's neck and
just have it set to take images with its built-in intervalometer while
walking around the streets or something (hands-off). People would
pretty much ignore a camera that doesn't have the wearer's hands on
it. This idea would work for any camera with a built-in intervalometer
(like the K-5) but it think it probably becomes a little more
problematic (in multiple ways) to handle the larger the camera in this
way. The built-in intervalometer can take up to 999 images, so you'd
have to do the math to determine how often to have it take a photo for
the length of time you wanted it to "run" (also your card capacity and
whether you were shooting JPEG or RAW/+).

Another (related) idea would be to use this to create time-lapse video
from still shots. Imagine walking through a crowded rush hour city
sidewalk and into a cafe shooting this way at 1 image every 3 seconds.
That's 20 frames per minute and if you put that together (for example
in QuickTime Pro) at 20 fps you have a 1 minute of real life = 1
second of your time-lapse video. 1 hour of real life = 1 minute of
time-lapse video.

Think this is dumb or does it have merit?

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