Too slow a download on Firefox (it appears to me  to be about a six-eight 
minute download).

Inconsistent browser support  for new variations of HTML has always been an 
issue. It's just that we haven't  had a true new variety for a long time. 
So now it's like welcome back to the  future, or welcome back to problems, 
problems, problems. Same old, same  old.

HTH, Marnie aka Doe :-)

In a message dated 1/3/2013 4:58:15  A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

This will  probably be old news to some. TIL, HTML5 video embedding 
sounds promising,  but ain't here yet. I know I'm a n00b at this, but 
does it really need to be  this hard? Any suggestions will be gratefully 

* Chrome  works fine, even with just the basic video tag. Chrome also 
seems to stream  much better than IE or FF, which are really stuttery to 
play. I have the  preload option on.
* IE worked eventually after adding a few meta cryptic  tags and 
re-encoding in H.264. Unfortunately, my slideshow maker (ProShow  
Producer) squirts out video in xvid codec. So I had to re-encode it.
*  Firefox was disappointing. No H.264 support out of the box; had to 
install  the WMP plugin to get it to work. There seems to be a workaround 
to double  encode in OGG which I'd do that if I had the space.
* Can't test Safari or  Opera, so I hope this works.

Does anyone know how to tweak the 'control'  option to have full-screen 
available on IE and Firefox? Only seems to be  available for Chrome. Its 
a 1080 file, so it's a shame it can't be viewed  that way.

On a side note, I thought I'd kill two tech birds with one  stone. 
Adorama gave me 20GB with Pogoplug for free, for life. I tried  uploading 
the video file to save room on my personal sitespace. But darn it  crawls 
along with uploading, and not that great downloading either. Will do  
further investigations.

Anyhoo, here is my first '5  vid

Oh,  happy new year, everyone. Hope you stayed out of trouble.


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