On Mon, Jul 22, 2013, DagT wrote:
> I'm not sure if this works, but the PAW is moved to google+ this week, at 
> least until I get home to update the website:
> https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-wSJFa08S9tE/Ue2RuaqO1_I/AAAAAAAABGA/mzK5KmyLfW0/w811-h543-no/_DT36524-up.jpg

Oh, I look up and see the sky and I look down and see the ground
I look at you and sing a song about up and down

(Apologies to the non-Americans or anyone else unfamiliar with Sesame
Street.  This should be a little more amusing if you see PAW184 and
PAW185 next to each other.)
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