> From: PDML [mailto:pdml-boun...@pdml.net] On Behalf Of Eric Weir
> Midway in my walk back in September I replaced the lens cap 
> on the A 28/2.8 with a uv filter. Recently I thought I 
> ordered 49 and 67 mm uv filters [Tiffen] for use as lens 
> protectors on two other lenses. When the order arrived I had 
> two 67 mm flyers, one uv, one uv haze.
> My first thought was to return the haze, but reading up a 
> little I thought maybe I'd keep it. In a discussion of uv vs. 
> uv haze on photo.net, however, I encountered a diversity of 
> opinions about filter vs. no filter and uv vs. haze, and 
> strongly negative opinions about Tiffen. 
> I'd be interested in this group's thoughts. 

I've never used Tiffen filters, so can't comment on those. I use B+W,
Contax/Zeiss, Heliopan and the top end Hoya filters. Nowadays I only use a
UV filter, although I still have some polarisers. Haze filters are useful
for, er, haze.

There are 2 schools of thought on using clear filters for protecting lenses.
One rational and sensible school of thought is that it is a good idea and
doesn't do any noticeable harm to your pictures; the other is wrong, an
abomination in the sight of the Lord, and should be dragged behind horses
through the streets of olde Londonne Towne, then burnt on a pyre built from
their land and holdings. Yea, verily.

You may recall when we met up in Norfolk I had smashed the filter on the
front of my Olympus. This is the sort of argument that convinces me that
it's better to sacrifice a filter, even an expensive one, than to smash a

Nevertheless, I don't have a filter on the front of my Fuji X100, nor on the
front of one or two of my Leica lenses, so perhaps I am a whited sepulchre,
appearing beautiful outward, but being within full of dead men's bones, and
of all uncleanness.

If I were to buy a Leica MM I would probably want a variety of old skool
filters, green, yellow, OG etc.


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