On Sat, Dec 07, 2013 at 12:21:14AM +0100, Alunfoto - Jostein Øksne wrote:
> Some watery images this time:
> http://alunfoto.blogspot.no/2013/12/big-sur.html

By the way, a signifcant percentage of the color film that I 
shot 35-40 years ago was down in big sur (at limekiln) trying to
get a shot of the sun coming through the waves like you got in
your Kelp forest shot.  Never successfully.

In my defense you do have the advantages of:
A digital camera that doesn't burn through a significan percentage
of a week's allowance every time you press the shutter.
A digital camera that lets you review your photo without having
to wait until you get home the following week.
A telephoto lens.
A few decades more experience taking photos than I had at 
14 years old.

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Larry Colen                  l...@red4est.com         http://red4est.com/lrc

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