It's looking like I might be forced to use up a bunch of PTO,
and Candice isn't up for a crazy long cross country road trip.

I'm thinking about seeing where I can go and couch surf for a week or 
so, that airline tickets wouldnt' be too crazy expensive. I'm defining 
crazy expensive as over about $600.  Unfortunately all locations in the 
Southern Hemisphere seem to be > $2300, Europe is > $1300

Or I might head up to the Pacific Northwet.

Or, I've never been to Alaska, and I figure if I'm going to Alaska,
I might as well go in the winter and really experience Alaska.

Anyways, right now I'm checking my couch surfing options, then I
can start looking for airline deals, so if anyone would like to 
host a photo bum for a week or so, drop me a note off list.


Larry Colen        

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