On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 01:28:37PM -0500, Doug Franklin wrote:
> OK, Cotty, here's your chance!  A real, honest-to-God Daytona
> Superbird with an actual racing history, and a 429, is for sale. No
> price listed. :)
> http://www.motorsportretro.com/2014/02/1969-dodge-charger-daytona/
> http://www.canepacollection.com/detail-1969-dodge-charger-daytona-used-5111490.html

I've seen it (in fact I've probably got a picture of it somewhere).
Larry & I took a stroll around Bruce Canepa's museum/workshop a while
ago; it's just a few miles down the road from Larry's place.

It's a nice car, but by no means the nicest car we saw that day.
I'd guess it won't be cheap, either - I doubt if anything out on
the show floor would sell for under six figures, and many of them
would have been well into the seven figure range.

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