On 12 May 2014, at 17:05, "Steve Cottrell" <co...@seeingeye.tv> wrote:
> On 12/5/14, Chris Mitchell, discombobulated, unleashed:
>> Bob W visited us for the weekend and we cycled around a bit:
>> http://www.mitch.myzen.co.uk/BikingMK
>> On the Sunday we visited Enstone where my mate Stephen is
>> investigating a lost 17th century garden. There's a magnificent 14th
>> century tithe barn on the site too. We also stopped off at Heyford
>> where I got this shot of heads in a window:
>> http://www.mitch.myzen.co.uk/Enstone/Bob'sVisit/slides/DSCF6242.html
> Sorry I couldn't make it! Thanks for posting the pics.

I think you'd have enjoyed a day in the 14th and 17th centuries, but if you 
insist on spending your time in the 21st with your head in the clouds...

Anyway, here's my version of events:

Chris very kindly lent me a Fuji as I had not left enough room for mine in my 
saddlebag. He also lent me a 2gb card, and I filled it up with 80 shots. It was 
just like the good old days.

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