On 24/08/2014 11:45 PM, Larry Colen wrote:

Bill wrote:
I always wonder exactly what is going on in the heads of people who
sexualize very young children and then pretend someone else is doing
something wrong.
Neumann is an idiot if he didn't expect some mentally unstable portion
of the population of the USA to react just as they did , the people
who are seeing his daughter as an object of sexuality are sick minded,
fucked up whack jobs.

Kind of like the people that don't expect people to get upset when they
let their children go play at the park unsupervised.

Whatever you think about Neumann, what some people would see as a cute
"kid taking a bath" photo, other people see as child pornography. As
photographers, we need to be aware of other people pushing their agendas
on other people.  A few months ago, someone got upset at one of my
pictures that she described as pornographic.  It was a fully clothed
woman, holding her boyfriend from behind, with her hands on his bare chest.

Good art has always provoked a rather visceral reaction in the viewer. Judging from the reaction of some of the people who hunted him down just to bitch about his pictures, his work must be right up there with some of the best art ever created. I don't get his work, but I've always been somewhat of a plebeian, uneducated in the finer points of culture.


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