Well  it is a nice gallery!
I just looked at the photos... even as parody that gobbly-gook prose was
too much to bear or bare, for that matter. Anyway, the type was too small.

Your's and Marco's were my faves

As to October's gallery and dragging our feet - while it is true we can't in terms of shooting something for it, we can still dally while
deciding which photo to use :-)


On 9/4/2014 19:08, Brian Walters wrote:
G'day all

I think this theme probably goes under the heading of "it seemed like a
good idea at the time".

In the end, we had a bigger gallery than I expected.  As usual, you'll
find the gallery here:


(you may need to refresh your browser if you see the previous gallery

Note: The automated submission process usually works well but it's not
infallible.  So, if you made a submission and you don't see it in the
gallery, let me know.


Next up is one that can't be put off until the last minute.
"Synchronicity' requires taking a photo on the date of the September
Equinox, which is rapidly approaching.

The actual time of the equinox will be on 22 or 23 September, depending
on your locality.  You can find the actual time for your locality here:



The photo should be taken during a 24 hour period - 12 hours either side
of the actual time of the equinox.

The subject of the submitted images can be whatever you like but images
taken around the areas where you all live might make the gallery a bit
more interesting - but that's only a suggestion.

Submit here:


Submission Guidelines here:


The main requirements are:
* Max. pixel dimensions: 800 x 800 pixels
* Max file size: 300k
* Third party equipment is acceptable provided either the camera body or
lens used is Pentax.
* If you embed a colour space in the image, it should be sRGB to ensure
that the image is displayed correctly on line.
* Nominal closing date: 30 September.

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