...... but may I suggest you are missing an obvious advertising
opportunity when you only stitch "Pentax" into the camera neck straps
to be seen from the left and right, but not the middle (back of the
neck). I noticed this when a photographer taking train photos in my
home town turned away from me as I was wondering what brand of camera
he was using and I could clearly read "Canon" on the back of his neck.

The only adjustment that this would require is that one would have to
take care when attaching the strap to the camera so that the neck
"Pentax" was not upside down. Currently (at least with the one that
came with my K-3) they are stitched so that there IS NO upside down
way to put the strap on.

While I have your attention Pentax (Ricoh) **don't I wish** why in the
world do you not produce official Pentax branded stuff like we used to
be able to get under Hoya. Caps, T-Shirts, etc. It is really silly not
to produce these things when the cost the company NOTHING (Pentaxians
would gladly purchase them) and then turn around and be mobile
billboards for your company/cameras. It is just inexplicable to me how
this side of Pentax marketing has all but gone away.

Photographers must learn not to be ashamed to have their photographs
look like photographs.
~ Alfred Stieglitz

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