Steve Cottrell wrote:

> >Following on from the previous thread, what make of camera do you now
> >use, and has it changed over the years?
> Video: Sony, Canon, GoPro
> Stills: Fujifilm (and Pentax *istD! by the Mrs - still going strong)
> Yes it has changed, it used to be Pentax through and through. I bought
> the 2nd generation affordable DSLR when it came out after the Canon
> D30, the D60. Started buying Canon glass, although adapted some Pentax
> lenses at the same time. Then sold that and got a 1DmII and some L
> glass. This was when I had plenty of disposable cash er I mean credit.
> Subsequently sold everything and now have a Fuji X-E1 mated to a Pentax
> 24/2.8 as a street camera, with a Helia 15/4 for other stuff and an X-
> 10 for the pocket.
> Plans for the future? Will at some point pick up an X-100T for street
> and replace the X-E1 with an X-T1 (or its successor) in a few years
> when I retire and have more time for stills.
> I have no plans at this time for another Pentax, but I could still be
> persuaded. I see nothing in the current lineup that would sway me.
> Always happy to have my mind changed.

I have a GoPro which I was given as a present 18 months or so ago and have
yet to get out of the box. I often forget I've got it. As for Pentax, I'm
only really interested in an upgrade at some distant point in the future of
the K3 in DX sensor format - should they make one.

It's very interesting the way your plans are heading and from reviews I've
seen of the equipment, I can see why.



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