Thanks very much, Paul.  It does make sense, and is very helpful.

I'm starting to think that since I don't need to transfer files elsewhere 
immediately, I really just need more real estate for viewing images - shooting 
interiors is killing me, so many details! - that maybe all I need is the HDMI 
connection... I'd rather have the camera controls & wireless too, but at least 
this way I'd get live view & image review with histogram, etc...

All good food for thought, though. Thanks again!

On Apr 11, 2015, at 8:04 PM, Paul <> wrote:

Christine -

I have a couple of the Eye-Fi Pro series cards.  I use the Pro rather than the 
Mobi in the event I want to transfer RAW files from the card to either my iPad 
or computer.  Transferring RAW files however would be a last resort as it's a 
slo-o-o-o-w process.

OTOH, I have my camera (a K-5)set to record RAW+JPG and the Eye-Fi cards set to 
transfer JPGs only.  The JPGs generated by the camera are the smallest file 
size and lowest quality compression, but still give me decent web-sized images 
on the iPad. They transfer reasonably quickly and the client gets to review the 
images on a screen larger than 3 inches.

Eye-Fi calls transferring to a tablet or phone "Direct Mode".  If you have the 
card set up to transfer to either a network computer or a tablet/phone, it 
defaults to the known network and only goes to direct mode if there is no known 
network available.  I only want the transfers to go to my iPad whether I'm in 
range of my network or not, so all I have set up is the direct mode.  An 
alternative setup for venues outside of a studio would be to take a laptop 
connected to a wireless router to an event to set up your own network and use 
the eye-fi card to transfer to that.  That may work better than the direct mode 
to a tablet but is somewhat more cumbersome.

In direct mode, when the card goes to sleep the tablet loses the connection so 
when you wake the camera/card back up you need to re-establish the connection 
on the tablet.  There is some adjustment to how long the card's wi-fi remains 
active after the last image is transferred but that uses more from the camera 
battery so it's a balancing act as to how long you want the card's wi-fi to run 
vs battery life.

Uf-da...does that make any sense?  HTH


> On 4/10/2015 10:41 AM, Christine Nielsen wrote:
> hello all,
> Has anyone had any luck with various tethering & tethering-like solutions?
> I'd like to get live view, camera controls (aperture, ss, iso, remote
> shutter), image review w/ histogram, ipad app...
> What I think I understand so far...
> Eye-fi card?
> + image review...
> + combined with an HDMI out, I could get the live view to laptop...
> - but no camera controls...
> - and not wireless w HDMI out...
> - does this get sketchy on location, depending on wifi connection?
> Flu card? (don't think this is possible on the k-5ii... is it?)
> +live view on my iPad..
> +camera controls
> +image review
> -no view of histogram, or meter
> - I'd have to buy a k-3 to use it, yes?
> PK tether?
>  I know this has been the default workaround for the pentax tethering
> issue, but it always just looks... sketchy... to me.  Something about
> their website seems kinda half-baked.  Something about the "Use at
> Your Own Risk" in bold on the homepage... Anyone use & recommend?
> Now for the Bonus Tale of Woe.... yesterday I was shooting
> architecture interiors... Bracketing RAW images to combine later,
> mostly, but I wanted to try a few in-cam jpegs, just for kicks.  After
> a couple at various settings (HDR Standard, Strong 1, 2, etc), the
> camera basically seized up.  The lcd screen showed the progress bar,
> not progressing, with the usual "image processing" note.  I let it go
> for a while... 5-10 mins, but still nothing.  Supposed to be able to
> hit "menu" to cancel, but that didn't work.  Even turning off the
> camera didn't shut off the back screen.  Removed the (full) battery,
> waited a few minutes, put it back in & resumed shooting.  The image I
> was trying to create wasn't there, of course, but everything else
> seemed fine.  I went back to shooting RAW... tried it again later, and
> it happened again after a couple of HDR shots.  Maybe I'll send it in
> with my 16-50, which has -surprise! - recently given up on AF.
> I seem to get cameras to produce the weirdest bugs... it's just one of
> my talents, I guess.
> :)
> -c

Being old doesn't seem so old now that I'm old.

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