Ken, Matt and Henk for my top three. Ken's jsut so perfect, Matt's so evocative, Henk is the only one who used a figure relating to a season as well as the blooms and so nicely done. Lots of lovely nature stuff,
interesting, though, that we didn't get any street shots of canoodling
or persons in the autumn of their years...

Maybe too many are off actually enjoying the season :-)


On 5/6/2015 06:29, Brian Walters wrote:
G'day all

Another great gallery, with more Spring offerings than Autumn. A nice
range of Spring flowers - I especially liked Mark's "Trillium" and Ken's
"Bleeding Heart" and I really like Dan's "Heart of the Bloom", but I
think my overall favourite this month is Matt's "Autumn Morning" with
sunlight filtering through light mist.

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