On 04/07/2015 12:12 PM, P.J. Alling wrote:
The only thing I can think of would be to do it manually using hyper

On 7/4/2015 1:38 PM, Bryan Jacoby wrote:
I am going to shoot some portraits and would _like_ shallow DoF (like
f/2.8) but I _need_ a sharp subject.  I was thinking it would be nice
to have each shot at 2 apertures, with the smaller aperture (maybe f/4
or so) as insurance.  Is there a way to get the camera to suto-bracket
the aperture but adjust shutter or ISO to compensate, so that overall
exposure is the same?

Closest I can get to it on the K3, and I expect the K5 to be similar, is to set EV steps to 1/2 stop, auto bracketing to plus/minus 1/2 stop, and use a 3 shot bracket in TV with locked ISO. This forces the camera to vary the aperture. I suspect with the ability to recover from slightly off exposures with these cameras, that one could go plus or minus perhaps as much as a stop and adjust the exposure in post.


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