Thanks for the feedback!  I agree, unfortunately, most of those weren’t 
intentional crops — they were just what I was able to catch, what with people 
moving around, and I had to work with what I could get with my 50mm prime, as 
it is the fastest lens I have.  Oh, how I was wishing for a faster lens!

> On Mar 23, 2016, at 7:11 PM, Igor PDML-StR <> wrote:
> Nicole,
> There are some nice photos there!
> Nice catches with the facial expressions and poses.
> IMGP0752.jpg is probably my favorite one from this set.
> In all this set, I like how you focus on the specific person/couple. That, 
> IMO, makes it a more powerful shot. (You may have read, - I was commenting on 
> this recently in response to Larry's photos.)
> If I may, I'd make one suggestion: in some cases, I think the framing is too 
> tight: several of these photos would look better
> if the limbs were included.
> IMGP0691 - It would be better if the right hand was not cut off.
> IMGP0531 - It would be better if her feet (and shoes) were not cut off.
> IMGP0742 - ditto for the connecting hands.
> The same issue is not as critical for IMGP0544, as the moving hair is 
> attracting the focus, but even this photo could benefit from including the 
> hands.
> Even in the ghosty IMGP0588, it would look even better if her right hand (or 
> the place where it is expected to be) would be within the frame.
> Feet are less critical in it, but I would probably also try to catch more at 
> the bottom to include them and cut off the top if needed for that.
> HTH,
> Igor
> PS. I was going to comment yesterday on the other set of yours, but it was a 
> loaded day, so I didn't get to it: I enjoyed your macro shots of flowers with 
> water droplets. My favorite one was IMGP0413, and then IMGP0426.
> On Mar 22, 2016, at 6:09 PM, Nicole Jacque wrote:
>> After a few months hiatus, Larry and I went dancing again at the Swingset
>> Lounge Swing dance group.  Although the lighting was “challenging” (also,
>> almost nonexistent) I took a few photos of the dancers.
> -- 
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