My answers interspersed below.

Aaron Reynolds wrote:
> Overdevelopment of some kind.  How is your agitation?  Are you
> aggressive at all?  Are you precise with dilution and temperature?  If
> you're already pretty relaxed when agitating, and your temperature is
> bang on, I'd suggest shaving 10% off of your processing time.  If this
> results in the clearer base that you desire but then leaves you with a
> neg that is too flat, try overexposing the film slightly to compensate.

I admit I have been known to over agitate.  Now it's one flip
every 30 seconds.  Is that too much.  Does greater dilution, less
agitation and extend development times result in better

> Does the base of the film appear clearer from the pro lab?

Yes.  And thanks again for your help.

> -Aaron
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