Love 0025 and like 0006, Mark!
Envy you!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Roberts" <>
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 6:45:01 AM
Subject: A test outing with the K-1

Lisa and I went up to New Hampshire last weekend for a bit of hiking
in the White Mountains. I took the K-1 along, though this outing was
more of a "get to learn the camera" effort than any serious attempt to
get good photos. Here's 4 quick shots:
All from K-1 with FA*28-70/2.8 @ ISO 100

Some observations:
Resolution, as expected, is fantastic. Even though the shake reduction
seems to be yet another step forward from previous versions, viewing
at 100% magnification will reveal any deficiencies in your technique.

Viewfinder is splendid. Not as good as, say, my MX but way better than
any APS-C camera.

Control layout and customization thereof is great. I'm still playing
with it to determine what will be my favored setup. The
user-programmable presets will be great once I get around to them.

I had feared that the smaller top-panel LCD would be inadequate. Nope.
It works just fine in conjunction with all the other controls and

Having two card slots is great. (Personally, even if the second one
were non-functional and served only to hold a spare card I would have
been happy.)

Running the K-1 native DNG files through Adobe DNG Converter (the
latest version supports the K-1) does result in a useful amount of
compression and space saving. Nice.

Glad I upgraded to a faster computer a couple of months ago.
Mark Roberts - Photography & Multimedia

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