On 4/7/16, Daniel J. Matyola, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Is this right?  The PM resigned, and then the Brexit leaders in his party,
>Johnson and Gove, said they are not interested in the job,

Not true. Michael Gove is standing for election as leader of the
Conservative Party, which effectively means Prime Minister, given that
they are in power at the moment. He stands a very slim chance.

>leaving the
>field open to a steon Remain Supporter.

The other contenders are a mixture of Remain and Leave supporters. The
favourite is Theresa May, Remain.

>Farange, who started it all, said
>"My work here is done," and resigned the leadershipof his party., but
>remains a member of the European Parliament.

This is true. He's been going a long time as UKIP leader and has
fulfilled one of his ambitions. He was never elected a UK Member of
Parliament, and there is only one serving UKIP MP.

>The Labour Leader won't quit,
>so everyone else in his party leadership quit instead.

Jeremy Corbyn is the Labour (and therefore opposition) leader. Many
Labour MPs feel he is unelectable (q.v.) and want a change of leader.
Corbyn has a vast support of the Labour Party membership, but alas no
the Parliamentary Labour Party (the Labour MPs) which is an untenable
situation. The honourable thing for him to do would be to step down but
he is having non of it. He will be ousted shortly - there is no way he
can continue without the support of the PLP.

> No one on either
>side of the referendum made any plans for what to do if Leave won, and the
>current PM refuses to do anything, leaving it up to his successor, who may
>be opposed to leaving.

David Cameron, the current Conservative PM has stated that he feels he
is unable to lead the UK out of the EU, and so is stepping down. His
total convictions were to remain in the EU. There is an argument that he
should have stayed on to fight for the best deal in withdrawing from the
EU, but he has served one previous term as PM, as well as the current
term and has previously publicly stated that he does not wish to seek a
third term of office. I think his actions are fully understandable in
the circumstances.

>Europe wants Britain to leave now, but Britain
>refuses to do anything.

This is simply not true and these are dangerous words. The above
statement is a non-sequitur.

The UK leaving the EU is a lengthy process, not previously attempted by
any country. The process starts by the UK PM going to the EU Parliament
and invoking 'Article 50' which is a trigger to begin a 2 year process,
at the end of which the UK is then no longer a member of the EU. During
this 2 years, negotiations would take place to secure terms of the
withdrawal. It simply cannot be done overnight. There is no time limit
on when the start of the process happens. The current PM has stated that
the next PM will have to do this. Realistically I think this will happen
some time in 2017.

> Even if they do, the Scots may have veto power
>over the UK's withdrawal, and everyone in Northern Ireland appears to be
>applying for Irish passports.

I have not heard of this.

There will be issues with Scotland and northern Ireland.

The whole thing could collapse though under certain conditions. For
instance, if a general election is called and (say) a new Labour Leader
(who would be effectively campaigning to be PM) stood on a pro-EU ticket
promising a turnaround stance on the EU - effectively saying if you vote
us in, we cancel the referendum result - and that party won the
election, then a clear (new) mandate will have been given and thus a new
incoming government will have authority to cancel the U pullout (as long
as that is done *before* Article 50 is started). This is entirely possible.

13 million people did not use the vote in the UK EU referendum. I
suspect most if those were Remain supporters who clearly thought they
wouldn't need to vote because it would be a walkover. Even if less than
half utilised their vote, the outcome would have been different. If they
then use that vote in a new pro-EU govt, then that's all it takes.




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