This is only marginally on topic, because it's an upgrade item for my photo computer, but hey. I just needed to vent somewhere.

I'm on Amazon's list for Gold Box deals, which I pretty much ignore because there's usually nothing I want to buy, and if I don't want to buy it a better price isn't going to persuade me.

Today lo and behold I get notification that something. that I've had in my Amazon Shopping cart for ages, is a Gold Box item. Hot damn, something I want or need is actually on sale, at a door buster price!

Well no, not really, it's the same damned price it's been for the last couple of months. But, maybe it's a different vendor that has that item at a lower price...

So I start paging through the Gold Box deals. Geez, either the programmers who write this stuff are surprisingly untallented, or Amazon thinks their customers are surprisingly "simple"*. 288 pages of deals on with duplicates on every second page of the exact item I've seen on a previous page. What a freaking waste of time. I just gave up. If they think I'm that easily influenced to buy crap they don't want my money.

*By which I mean actually mentally challenged.

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve 
immortality through not dying.
-- Woody Allen

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