K-1 + FA77 is a damned hard combination to beat at what it is good at.

Mark Roberts wrote:
So Lisa and I made our traditional hiking trip to the White Mountains
in New Hampshire over Thanksgiving. I didn't get a huge number of
keepers but it was a nice trip anyway. We hiked up Mt Tom (4050 ft)

Heh, in the Beigh Arya we have a Mt. Tam.

and found quite a lot of the birds were well habituated to human
presence; they were obviously looking for food  and had learned humans
were only too happy to provide it in many cases.
Here's a shot of a chickadee taken with the K-1 and the 77/1.8 Ltd,
ISO 400, 1/500 @ f/2.8

Impressive on many axis. On my monitor it looks a bit dark,(2/3-1 stop under?) is my monitor dialed up too bright? or is that an artistic choice of yours to show that it was a dark and dreary day.

That's the full image, no cropping, downsized to 800px height.

And now here's a crop at 100% magnification. No sharpening.

That's even more impressive up close.

Excellent work.

Larry Colen  l...@red4est.com (postbox on min4est) http://red4est.com/lrc

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