Well the main reason for this post is to help out anyone else trying to get new life from older equipment. In this case the Spyder2 Colorimeter.

ColorVision doesn't support it for Microsoft OS' beyond Windows XP, but I hate to discard perfectly good hardware if I can avoid it.

I was able to find a free third party software product that seems to have done the job. It /only/ took about two hours for the analysis to run. I don't know if it's very through or very inefficient.

I stayed up to make sure it didn't need any user intervention, but for the most part it runs automatically.

Anyway if you're interested in giving new life to an old Colorimeter, The product is called DisplayCAL.

It can be a little tricky and obtuse to initially install, and takes a long time to profile a monitor, but hey it's free and seems to work. It also supports a wide range of colorimeters, not just the Spyder2.

Now I'm off to bed, before I do something stupid and try to soft proof and print an image.

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