
Great! I didn't event attempt to produce a comprehensive list by myself.
I was relying on other PDMLers; just wanted to start the process.

I feel embarassed, but during the entire morning, my memory lapse refuses to reveal the names of several former PDMLers... The guy who, AFAIR drove his WV van from California all the way down to South America and around, -- what's his name?

Other people whose names I am slowling pulling from my neuron network are:
Sasha Sobol
Jim King (I know that he was popping up on PDML but I haven't seem him recently, so, I am not sure how often he is reading) Miserere (The same situation as with J. K.) Toralf Lund (haven't seen him on the list since ~ mid-2016).
Derby Chang (I haven't seen on PDML since ~2014)
Steve Desjardins  (I haven't seen him on PDML since ~2014)
Attila Boros (2014-2015)
Ken Takeshita (from the older period of time)

These are just a few.



 Stanley Halpin Mon, 06 Mar 2017 10:21:51 -0800 wrote:

I sent notes to Loveless and to Tanya (who wasn’t on your list but shoulda
been!). Also let TV and Tom R. (Greywolf) know.

I have noticed Wasti making DPReview comments but don’t know if they have
member’s listing; I found some Fred Wasti persons on FB, but not the right one.


On Mar 6, 2017, at 8:19 AM, Igor PDML-StR wrote:

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Dear All,

While discussing the 20th anniversary PUG, we discussed with Brian that it would be great to invite as many "old-timers" as possible - to participate in this PUG.

I know that some PDMLers maintain connection with some of the former PDMLers via social media (or at least know how to contact them).

I suggest that everybody who has any way of contacting them, would do that ASAP (via all available channels), - inviting them to submit their photos to this 20th anniversary PUG.

Please use this link:
with the invitation for the anniversary PUG.


And now, after the break (some nerds might know the hidden message in this song), some personal thoughts about old-timers.

I am sure people here remember past PDMLers, but I would try to recall at least a few... (just in case it would help someone).

Over the period of 20 years, there have been several PUGmeisters:
Brian Walters
Scott Loveless
Adelheid von Kirschten
Jostein Oksne
William Robb
Mark Cassino
Steve Graham
Doug Brewer

AFAIK, Scott, Adelheid, and Steve are not reading PDML.
I believe that Scott is reachable via e-mail and some social media channels (Facebook? Twitter), - I haven't heard about Steve and Adelheid for ages. Has anybody seen them recently?

There were a few more people who at different time contributed to the maintenance of PUG: Rob Studdert, Jeff Renner, Bong Manayon, Maney Gomez, Fred Wasti, Robert Batten, Alin Flaider, Tom Van Veen, Sid Barras, Delano Mireles, Flavio Minelli, Gary L. Murphy, Michael Bromm, Yves Caudano, Jan van Wijk.

(Brian listed them here: )

I might be missing someone (my sincere apologies!), but from that list, only Rob, Bong, and Jan seem to be participating in PDML and PUG.

I believe in the past year or two, I've seen some posts from Fred Wasti on some forum (PF?) or in some social media, but I don't remember where, and I couldn't find any "live" traces of him now.

I've already sent a personal e-mail to Boz Dimitrov on Saturday, but haven't heard back, so, if someone can contact him as well, please do. (A single unexpected e-mail can be easily lost in a flow of messages.)

Anybody else?



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