I went to Muskegon Michigan today to see an exhibit of Edwin S Curtis's North American Indian prints. It was an excellent and massive exhibit, well worth a visit. I doubt that many PDMLer's are nearby, but in case anyone is passing that way...

All 723 of Curtis' prints were on display - the full set. The museum believes this is the first time the entire set has been displayed. I wondered how a fairly small museum got this exhibit and where it would go next. As it turns out the Muskegon public library was one of the 200+ subscribers to the original project and received the books and photogravure prints as they were published. A docent told me that at this time there were no plans to travel the show.

My only complaint - 723 prints plus supplemental displays is a bit overwhelming - I plan another visit or two over the summer.

Here are a few cell phone snaps of some of the exhibits:


And the museums webpage:


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