I will be unsubscribing on Monday, turning in my cable modem, and leaving
for my summer on the road Tuesday or Wednesday. And, I want to say so long
to all my friends on the list.

The Pentaxes are going with me, of course and I hope to find interesting
things to photograph along the way.

You will be able to follow my travels, if you are interested, on my website
at http://pages.prodigy.net/graywolfphoto/_meanderings/road.html I will be
trying to update that information about weekly depending upon availability
of internet access. Also will be checking my e-mail on the same basis.
However, please note that this carolina.rr.com account will no longer exist.
My prodigy.net accounts will still be active, tomrittenhouse (text only
please) and graywolfphoto. There is a link to the graywolfphoto address on
my website.

For those who don't know, I have lost my digs (not a great lost), and am
going to be homeless until I find someplace new to be. To be homeless living
out of my truck on the road is an adventure, trying to do so in town would
be a disaster. Charlotte has gotten far too expensive to live on little bit
of  Social Security I get, and I do not much like the political philosophy
of this area, so I am hoping to find a place to be back in the upper-Midwest
(I'm from Michigan originally).

I had had an offer of a place in North Dakota, but that fell through. It was
a little too far west for my taste anyway. I really am thinking of Michigan,
Minnesota, or Wisconsin.

So it will be goodbye for the summer, my friends

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