On Fri, Nov 01, 2019 at 04:58:45PM -0400, Mark Roberts wrote:
> Paul Stenquist wrote:
> >I would think a full frame 24-70/4 is very unlikely in that Pentax already 
> >offers an excellent 24-70/2.8.
> Yeah, it's excellent. But it's also huge compared to the 28-105.

... and with a price tag to match!

I could never quite persuade myself I needed the older FA* 28-70/2.8
to go along with the FA* 80-200/2.8 that was my main lens. But that's
because I was mostly doing motorsports photography - very different
from the sort of thing that Juan does - so the 28-105/f4.0-5.6 I had
met my needs for the occasional pit or paddock shots.

I'm waiting to see whether the announced flagship APS-C camera body
makes it all the way into production; if it does, (and assuming that
it has the sort of feature upgrades that could tempt me) there's a
fairly good chance I'll buy one last Pentax body. But despite what
my PDML T-shirt says I'm not sure I'll be buying any more lenses; 
the main potential candidate - the D FA 150-450 - would add quite
a bit to whatever the new body (plus grip) would cost.

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