Similar to my story.
 A work friend loaned me his Spotmatic to shoot a race at Mosport, Canada. 
Really enjoyed the experience. It was easy to handle and the controls were 
logically placed IMO. I had been using a Voightlander folding viewfinder up to 
that point. Locally Spotmatics were  going for around $300 (in the Detroit 
area) and somewhat cheaper south across the border in Canada. At the same time, 
around 1969, a GI friend was in Nam and offered to get a Spotmatic for me and 
bring it back when he returned to the states - I paid $98 USD for that one. It 
was an Asahi Spotmatic, not the Honeywell version sold in the states.
Been with Pentax ever since. Having accumulated a numbers of Pentax lenses over 
the years, I have no reason to switch brands. 
I’ve participated in many photo workshop and tours and only once or twice did I 
ever run into another participant shooting a Pentax.

-----Original Message-----
>From: "Daniel J. Matyola" <>
>Sent: Nov 25, 2020 10:27 AM
>To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
>Subject: Re: 'Why I still shoot with Pentax'
>When did you get that first Pentax, John?
>In 1966, I went to the AF PX in DaNang to buy a camera.  I had my heart set
>on a Minolta 101, which my XO had and let me try.  They were out of that
>camera, but the clerk in the photography department showed me an Asahi
>Spotmatic.  He pointed out that Asahi Optical made the finest glass in the
>world at that time, and that the Spotmatic was being sold in the US under
>the Honeywell brand.  I was sold, and never turned back.
>Dan Matyola
>On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 11:07 PM <> wrote:
>> I started with a Pentax because an engineer with Cable and Wireless had a
>> Spotmatic, and said it was the best camera he'd ever owned: he loaned it to
>> me for a week and I was hooked. Arranged with a friend travelling home via
>> Singapore to get one for me, but couldn't stretch to a Spottie, so opted
>> for an SV.  Since then, except for one period with a Fujica (ST5n ?) after
>> my SV kit was stolen, have stayed with Pentax, although I also have a
>> Rolleicord for 6x6, and a Fed4 rangefinder when noise would be an issue.
>> Sitting in the cupboard are several Spotties, another SV, K2DmD, ME, Super
>> program, and still in regular use an *ist-D as well as my daily K5ii - and
>> an MZ-S for film.  Lenses for M42 from 18 to 500mm, and for M or K-mount
>> from 16 to 400, so I'm not going to switch any time soon, as the key thing
>> for me is that every Pentax I've ever owned has been an improvement on the
>> last and just worked for me - and the glass is so good.
>> John in Brisbane
>> -----Original Message-----
>> On 11/23/2020 11:08 AM, Bruce Walker wrote:
>> > I still shoot with Pentax because my Pentax gear still works for me.
>> >
>> --
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