Hi Gonz -

I pulled your photo into Photoshop CS6, cropped out the margins and then applied auto colors. After that, slightly darkened the midtones in levels. The result:


It's hard to judge the colors - skin tones, the wooden chair back, the wooden picture frames look OK and the ceiling in the upper right is white, which seems logical. If there was something in the image that I knew was gray I'd open levels and click on it with the midtone eyedropper. That usually helps restore color balance.

I inherited a bunch of very old faded prints a few years ago, and it was amaze how much info would pop out of them just using auto color.


On 9/30/2021 11:52 AM, Gonz wrote:
Scanned an old negative.  Played around with the usual knobs, but cant
seem to get it to look decent.  There is not enough dynamic range here
it seems.  I've seen articles somewhere where they make old photos
like this pop out almost to new.  How does this work?


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