Though I have a winder for the MX I never used it. For me the fun of the MX
was its size and I used it a lot with a 50 mm lens on hiking. The size and
weight gave it a feeling of a solid metal construction.
I still own two MX bodies.


Op wo 1 dec. 2021 om 21:28 schreef John Francis <>:

> I'm just beginning the process of tracking down all the assorted
> bits of Pentax K-mount equipment I've got spread around the house
> (or out on loan :-); the next stage will be deciding what to keep.
> But while doing that I picked up an MX body for the first time in
> many years, and was struck by just how heavy it felt for its size.
> Without the power winder it weighs a little over a pound (495g);
> if you add the winder it's 1.76lb (800g).
> Even without the winder that's heavier than any of the MZ-series
> bodies except the MZ-S, although being a little smaller than them.
> With the winder (which is how I almost always used mine; the film
> advance lever of an SLR is hard to use with a camera up to your
> eye if you are left-eyed and wear eyeglasses) it's heavier than
> any of the K-series digital bodies except the K-1 (or K3-iii!).
> One benefit of digging through the various boxes is that I've
> at last found the folder of internal filters for the 250-600;
> I'd obviously set them aside "somewhere safe" to avoid losing
> them when I was dragging that lens around from track to track.
> --
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  • MX memories John Francis
    • Re: MX memories Henk Terhell

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