Alan - great that your draecaenas are running wild!... looking forward to seeing them in good light... mine held the blossoms for a fair amount of time so I hope yours do...  The direct flash photos are nice to document the event but not so good for revealing how lovely those flowers are..

Never did get any more blooms on them ... its been close to ten years now :-(


On 5/4/2022 12:50 PM, Alan C wrote:
I have 4 species of Dracaenas in my garden. The plants grow well here & are quite drought resistant. They are common in the coastal forests of Natal & Mozambique. They have all flowered spasmodically over the years (at night) but this years all simultaneously, probably because of the high rainfall & warm conditions we have been experiencing. There are literally thousands of flowers. The evening air is heavy with scent, even 20m away. This evening I took a couple of flash shots. I waited around for ages for a Hawk Moth or two but no luck with that. Scroll R for a wider view

K5 & DA 18-55 WR

Alan C

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