I will repeat my thanks - you did a great job.

Now, who's this?


Just done the C-41 stuff, slides back Wednesday hopefully!

More here, including some big jobbies!!!


Nice to see you all.  Will scan the negs of the B&W stuff sometime
tomorrow and provide the incriminating evidence (including Cotty Jr's
handiwork!) unless some one pays me blackmail money to keep them under

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jostein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 15 July 2002 21:45
> Subject: PDML UK; Thanks Cotty!
> To Cotty and Alma; long standing ovations, and a very big 
> Thank You for pulling the PDML UK event together. Oh and to 
> Stefan too. Our eminent group photographer.
> Both Vera (who's she again...) and I enjoyed it from first to 
> last minute. We also had a wonderful day as tourists in 
> Cambrigde on Sunday. We crossed roads with Adelheid and 
> Philip too, who also seemed to enjoy themseselves.
> Well back in Oslo, our luggage disappeared mysteriously, and 
> we had to go home without out beloved laundry. Apparently, 
> someone (quite possibly the
> midge(t)s) nicked it off the conveyor. However, SAS managed 
> to retrieve it and brought it to our doorstep an hour ago. :-)
> Well, 300+ more messages to browse before bedtime.
> Cheers, and thanks again Alma, Cotty, Stefan, and all the 
> rest (Mike, Rob, Richard, Adelheid, Philip and Peter) for a 
> great time.
> Vera & Jostein
> PS. Films sent to processing, but I'll be away from my 
> computer for the rest of the week. Will start the scanning 
> Sunday, I hope.
> -
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