--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> My main point is this: I want to use my K mount
> lenses.  If I want to use them, I will have to buy a
> higher-priced body plus buy higher-priced AF fixed
> focal length lenses (e.g. 28mm, 35mm, etc.) 

Call me crazy but I don't get this at all. You want to
use your manual focus k-mount lenses? Where does that
mean that you will have to buy a higher priced body?
Send your ME Super to Pentax who can prolly fix it. Or
buy an MX, right now they have one at KEH in bargain
condition for $133. With the MX you won't have to
worry about flash trigger voltages. But then perhaps
you want AF capabilities? Buy a zx5n, on sale now at
KEH brand new for $319. Or go the extra step and find
a used pz1p, I bought a used one in excellent
condition recently for $400. But then I remember you
mentioned that you were worried about flash
compatibility too. But a AF360FGZ new at KEH for $229,
it will work with any Pentax ever made; hell it'll
prolly be fine on ~any~ camera ever made.

I've looked at switching to Canon very earnestly this
year; for one reason, digital. But I can never do it.
I am not about to have to spend ~more~ money to get
~less~ quality. Honestly, it sounds like to ~want~ to
switch to Canon. If so, then do it... quit arguing
semantics with us.

Nick Wright

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