Friday, 27 September, 2002
Either announcements from Photokina have died out, or the people reporting
from Cologne are too busy eating Bratwurst and drinking Pils. My guess is
that its the former, as I know how hard working a major trade show can be.

But if that's the case then some major companies have not made needed
announcements, and this is bad news for them. One that immediately comes to
mind is Pentax, who really needed to position themselves properly vis-a-vis
a digital solution for their 645 system. The salience is deafening. With
their competitors Mamiya, Contax and now Hasselblad offering comparability
with the very popular Kodak DCS Pro Back Pentax becomes the only major 645
format camera maker with no digital offering. It's my belief that unless
they do so no later than PMA, many professionals will start to abandon them.

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