I see your meaning.  Nonetheless,  I think this number is as low as it
is because of the P&S's, digital or otherwise.  The choice is no longer
between a fine camera and an Instamatic.  A $200 P&S can take great
shots and if you are happy with 4x6 the pictures are great.  I've seen
some nice stuff from my colleagues Pentax 150 Sl now that she has gotten
past camera shake problems.  (She's just more careful now).  For most
folks, a P&S is the best way to go.  There once was a  group of folks
who had an SLR simply because they wanted a nicer camera.  Now the SLR
is more for those who are actually more serious about photography, i.e.,
where it as least has some hobby aspects.  And, of course, many of the
technophiles instead buy digital.

Since I in true confessions mode, I'll admit that I would like to get a
Pentax 928 (it's a little faster) for snapshot stuff or,  if I ever had
money to burn, that Contax P&S with the f2.8 35 mm lens.  However, my
ZX-& with the 40mm is so small it's hard to justify, i.e., not put the
money toward more lenses 8^)

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

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