Hi folks,

With all this talk about what was -- and what wasn't -- at Photokina, I
found it interesting to read a short article about a local
commercial/advertising photo studio in the business section of yesterday's
local newspaper.  It's a busy studio with big accounts with a major grocery
store chain and several other large clients in our region.

[The name's Buschner Studios.  Perhaps Mark Roberts recognizes the name?]

The owner stated in this article that while he does use digital cameras to
some extent, most of his work is still done with film.  He finds that the
time it takes to transfer images from camera to computer (15 to 20 seconds,
according to the article) is "too slow", and he finds digital to be limiting
because he's not able to line up a series of shots thus captured and compare
them side-by-side.  He suspects this may not be the case in maybe five
years, but for now at least, he prefers working with film.  This surprised
me, since I thought advertising photography would be most likely of all to
be digitally driven.  Seems like this fellow and his partner certainly have
enough business to invest the necessary capital for switching to primarily
digital.  Or is this case just a fluke?  Or did the newspaper reporter
misquote the typical image download times?


Bill Peifer
Rochester, NY

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