Some interesting(?) tidbits from the Pentax universe

Apparently, this years Pentax photokina delegation was among the largest ever 
including the boss and heaps of engineers. Weird, considering they had nothing to 
show. However, it turns out that they indeed showed a LOT but behind closed doors 
locked in a large safe (no I'm not making this up; I have this from a guy who was part 
of the Pentax delegation but not allowed into the room! Only the utter hot-shots were 
allowed apparently). I have no idea about the contents of this safe is but it's 
believed it's not the digital K-mount slr. After all, that one is not that secret 
(probably already on the distributors order list).
It was said that Photokina was less seen as a news fair nowadays and more of a trade 
show (they are apparently thinking of arranging it every three year instead of every 
two). Some informed observes suggest that Pentax will want to celebrate their 
corporate name change (and 50th year of slr production) with product releases (they 
wil get more attention this way). The speculaters can guess whats in that safe. The 
pessimist will insist it's the next $100 P&S while the (incurable) optimist will 
believe it is new KAF3 lenses with USM and IS plus matching cameras.


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