Not withstanding the fact that the everything better claim doesn't sell very
well, it has been my experience that digital has not reduced employment  --- and
almost always in the short to medium term increase staffing.   I seldom find in
administrative areas that there are any staff reductions achieved, mostly net
increases.  Some times the time lost dealing with losses due to new ability to
play rather than work can be quite frustrating and very difficult to deal with.
But these are just my observations.  Would be interested in reading any
publications you might have that support your theory.

Otis Wright

Alan Chan wrote:

> > Digital makes EVERYTHING better!
> I am native I know. But digital does not make things better. Just look at
> the unemployment rate all over the world due to computing automation. As far
> as I can see, computers are here to take over our jobs.  :(
> regards,
> Alan Chan

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