Hey PDMLers!!!

Yes, an interesting email coming from me.  I really would like everyone to
think about why we are here, and as well modify some problem areas.

Why are we here?  Well, it could be a lot of reasons, just owning a Pentax
camera, being interested in a Pentax camera, owning a Pentax camera and
wanting advice or options, here to give advice to those that want it, hoping
someone from Pentax is checking us out for some cool ideas or just to be
chatty with friends.  That covers a lot, I'm sure I've missed some, feel
free to point them out.  So what do we have here?  A very diverse community,
not just in email content, but ages, nationalities, sex, etc.  For some of
us that have wandered off the path (yes, me too) we should really get back
to *Pentax*.  Pentax does cover a lot of ground, but not like a Canon list
:)  So we have all sorts of discussions on cameras, lenses, loupes,
surveying equipment, binoculars, closed-circuit equipment, etc.  And don't
let me forget the MZ-D.  Yes, I've decided something.  Talk about it all you
want! :)  Hopefully it can be new and interesting material? :)

My personal goal is to be more respectful, civil, courteous, positive and a
number of other good virtues.  Some already have this, others do not, but I
hope we can all work on that, it will make the board more enjoyable.

Oh, read the original email and then the follow-ups before firing off an
email, you may just cause damage or simply repeat what has already been
said.  The other thing is one brought up in a post to the board, give it
some thought before you press 'send'.

Well, for those on the list that post, we should come to some kind of
agreement on issues such as language, attitudes, and what have you.
Language is a tough one, there are the obvious ones (I think I showed an
example of that? :)) but other works *could* fall into that category.  'Oh
crap', 'Hell, I thought..', 'Jesus Christ, what is going on?', 'Damn', '
Piss', 'Holy anything' to name a few.  For some of us, that language is
never used.  To others, it is a regular part of there speech at work, at
home, or school.  That is what makes this tough, because almost anyone uses
one little form of it or another, so it enters our email.  So does 'F**k
you' count? Or how about, 'POS'?, or 'F this!'  You see where I'm going?  We
are still swearing.  We just simply put in spacers, use blanks, acronyms, or
just a mere letter.  We all know what is really being said, most read it as
if it was a full word in their head.  It's not going to fool the teenagers.
So really, what's the difference between 'F this!' and 'CENSORED this!' or
'my stupid POS camera bag got lost on the airplane!' from 'my stupid
fill_in_words camera bag get lost on the airplane!'  Anyone with me yet?  I
tend to see them as EXACTLY as they really are.  'Frickin' stupid computer.'
Again here, we know what the person is thinking and we think that same nasty
word in our heads as we read along.  Do we ban Frickin' or HEdouble hockey
sticks?  Tough, I'll leave it open for debate.

So, let's all be nice, lets talk about Pentax, throw in OT, films, Metz
Flashes, Vivitar lenses, the LX-D :)  You get what I mean.   And of course
all the other stuff like PUG or meeting or an interesting trip you want to
tell about, or something interesting you've heard.

So, civility, respect (opinions), kindness, positive, compromise (as in
language), friendly, follow the rule if you don't have something good to
say, then don't say it.  All that stuff!  And hey, be a little crazy or
silly, as long as it is apparent you are doing so in the name of fun or
friendly ripping, and not insulting, it's a good thing now and then!

I'm working on it, I hope other do as well!

And remember, get away from the list more often and shoot some photos!


Brad Dobo

(Btw, if something in this doesn't make sense, I'm really tired and it is
4:30am, so I'm entitled to some mistakes :)  Just ask me and I'll try and

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