Thank you.  Very much appreciated on all fronts.

Otis Wright

Doug Brewer wrote:

> Hi troops,
> Bob asked for a description of what happened to the list, so here's a brief
> synopsis:
> It broke.
> The longer story is like this: The digest mode went wonky (for reasons that
> remain unclear to me), so I made an adjustment to fix it, only I fixed the
> wrong thing, which put everyone on the digest mode, and this gave birth to
> a huge loop problem which then caused the whole thing to come tumbling down
> around me.
> After attempting to fix it one piece at a time, which only served to turn
> it into an enormous house of cards again, I did what any masochist would
> do; I nuked it and started all over. Once I had it up and running, the
> software was misinterpreting subscribe requests and subscribing itself
> instead of the requested subscribe address, which took me a while to track
> down.I'm pretty sure I have that corrected.
> It is still a little wobbly, but over the last few days I've been getting
> nearer to a stable set-up. I think now I have the reply-to setting under
> control and have just added a couple of scripts to reject excessive
> quoting, attachments, HTML/MIME and a couple other things.
> Next up on the agenda is to address the digest format and again implement
> the no-mail option, for those of you concerned about those.
> I apologize for the inconvenience of all this, and hope the new set-up will
> again act in the efficient and invisible manner for which it is designed.
> Thanks,
> Doug "List Guy" Brewer
> we now return you to your regularly scheduled pissing contest. Anybody took
> any photos lately?

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