Note that the actual web graphic names are "MZ-S digital-1", "MZ-S
Maybe just stock photos they had?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Scott [mailto:daniel559@;] 
Sent: Saturday, 26 October 2002 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: Exclusive picture of "new" Pentax D-SLR

On Friday, October 25, 2002, at 11:36 PM, Iren & Henry Chu wrote:

> Dear all,
> The Taiwanese photography website Photosharp released a number of the 
> pictures of the "new" Pentax D-SLR which they obtained from Pentax:
> The pictures appear to be exactly the same as the abandoned MR-52 full 
> frame D-SLR.  I have checked with their webmaster and they said that 
> they have confirmed with their source from Pentax that the new D-SLR 
> will look very similar to MR-52 except some minor changes to suit the 
> APS-sized sensor.
> I personally still have doubts on their claim, as Paal and Cotty have 
> both said that the new D-SLR will be based on a new SLR design.  Any 
> comments?
> Regards,
> Henry Chu
> 26/10/2002

It looks good to me except for the lcd screen. It's going to get very 
smeary in very short order if that placement is what they go with.

Dan Scott

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