You are right. Many users wait for sth succesor of MZ3. Are you Polish?
Alek from Cracow
Użytkownik Artur Ledóchowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napisał:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Pĺl Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: AP (16/11) - Pentax UK Confirms digital SLR launch plan
>>> "Flagship" digital slr; is this a case of unfortunate phrasing? Or is the
>film sibling of this camera the long rumored flagship? If the MZ-60 and MZ-6
>is going to continue in the line-up, then the new cameras are probably
>IMHO what is really needed soon in the film SLR segment is the successor of
>the MZ-5n/3. Many people are confused because the MZ-5n is more expensive
>than the MZ-6, yet doesn't support P-TTL, has the same AF, has no PF's and
>generally is not considered to be superior to the MZ-6. Besides the model
>itself is quite old - especially its AF is pretty outdated for the camera
>that is considered to be a rival to F80 or EOS30.
>I'd love to see something like, say, MZ-2, that would have the SAFOX VII and

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