I just recently got my first Adaptall lens -- The Tamron SP 90mm f2.5 macro (the earlier model, with 49mm filter threads). I got Pentax ES and Pentax KA Adaptall rings with it.

On my PZ-1 with the KA ring, it seems to behave like any other KA lens -- in A mode (same as f/32 on the aperture ring), it "reads" the lens as an f2.5 maximum aperture lens and applies a program curve to it. It doesn't behave like an F lens (it won't give approximate aperture values if you're using the aperture ring to select f-stop and it doesn't give the camera focusing distance or focal length info).

The Adaptall KA rings have three contacts, I think, and one would be used solely for telling the camera whether the lens is in "A" mode or not. The KA Adaptall rings are all the same, though -- you don't pick one that matches the maximum aperture of your lens -- so the lens itself (Adaptall 2 ones, anyway) must communicate that info through the contacts on the ring.

I don't have enough test images back yet to evaluate the lens' performance.


Sorry, so you use K adaptall with new bodies without problems. I think about KA ones.
Uz™ytkownik Doug Franklin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napisa?:
On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 15:38:22 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So you use safely KA adaptall with new bodies? Is it this one for sure?What about metering, like A lenses?
I have the K Adaptall, not the KA. It works fine on my two newer
bodies. No jamming. Meters as if it were a K or an M lens (no
contacts on the mount).


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