On Tuesday, November 12, 2002, at 07:42  AM, gfen wrote:

On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Dan Scott wrote:
You'd have to cuddle. Pets and pet owners cuddle. What would you train
him to do?
I've never, once, cuddled with any of my snakes. Nor have I trained them
to do tricks other than "rear up and eat mouse from tongs," which I don't
think counts as a trick. :)

(not only am I still hungry, as in previous post, but my littlest snake
also died last night, which is kinda depressing)

(and I'm REALLY hungry)

You keep 'em, but you don't handle them? I really like the way they feel. Smooth muscle in motion. Turned the rat snake loose in the garden (caught it for my boy this weekend) to get back to its job. They always seem to be a little too aggressive to play with much.

Dan Scott

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